27sep8:00 am2:00 pmMaha'samadhi - Lahiri Mahasaya (1828 - 1895) (Commemorative Service - SRF Live-Stream)["Yogavatar - Incarnation of Yoga"]. ***In-person live-stream of SRF Mother Centre's 6-hour Commemorative Mediation led by an SRF Monastic. Service will have periods of devotional chanting on the hour, and an intermission from 11.00 - 11.30 a.m. Those unable to attend the first session are requested to avoid arriving for only the second half. [Lahiri Mahasaya ji said: All time is wasted that is not spent in seeking God].8:00 am - 2:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.