Retreats offer an organized opportunity for the spiritually-inclined devotee to share in the ‘satsang’ of divine communion.
For over four decades, our annual weekend retreats held in pristine environs, have brought profound peace and inner awakenings to the serious seeker. The expansion of consciousness and heartfelt commingling of silent minds speaking the language of the soul, have enshrined commitments and also show-cased humility.
In the inner sanctum sanctorum of daily chanting and practice, attendees transcend the hum-drum of daily ‘busyness,’ to nurture and concentrate on the subtle purposes of life.
Our 2023 retreat was held at the Khalsa Centre (Miracle Valley), Mission, B.C., from September 08 to 10.
This beautiful facility bordering on lakes and enveloped in majestic woods, was blessed by the rare presence of SRF monks – Bro. Anantananda and Bro. Dhruvananda. Our heartfelt gratitude to them for the profound and palpable spiritual vibrations, focused guidance, and entertaining stories – all ensconced in Love and Light. In tandem with the verdant locale, tasty vegetarian meals and simple-but-pleasant rooms – this was a serene and ideal experience – nurturing peace and inner upliftment in both the new and the veteran devotees.
2024 Retreat: We take a break from a ‘Retreat’ this year – as we prepare for another blessed event in early October. Watch this website for upcoming news!
2025 Retreat: Potentially, September 05 to 07, 2025 (weekend after Labour Day).
Please check this page in June 2025 or contact us directly.
Time: Check-in – Friday @ 3.00 p.m. onwards; Check-out – Sunday @ 2.00 p.m.
(Friday Supper: 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Opening Service: 7.45 p.m.)
2025 Location (subject to confirmation): Khalsa Centre (@ Miracle Valley); 14100 Stave Lake Rd., Mission. B.C. V2V 0A5
Facilities | Kcmc
Cost: To be confirmed (Includes vegetarian meals, but no transportation to and from the venue).
Payment is made by credit card, e-transfer (preferred) or cheque.
Accommodation: Living styles are in simple, sparse and clean surroundings. Bathrooms with showers, are shared. Each attendee may have his/her own room consisting of basic amenities. Bedding (sheets, pillows, blankets) and towels are not supplied; a mattress is.
Couples: Facilities permitting, married couples who prefer to share a room, may request the same.
Food: All meals are vegetarian with vegan and (very limited) gluten-free options available, as feasible.
Friday night – Supper from 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Saturday – breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Sunday – breakfast and lunch (check-out at 2.00 p.m.)
Registration: On a first-come, first-served basis and limited to Lesson Members of the YSS*/SRF* path of meditation. Registration will likely commence in June 2024.
Cancellation: Cancellations are typically limited to those made, up to two weeks prior to the Retreat.
Car Pool: Attendees often like to car pool to the retreat venue. To this end, a sign-up sheet is made available at our Chapel, in the build-up to the big day.
Important: Participants are reminded to attend retreats, in the spirit of ‘silence’ and inner communion, during their entire stay. Please be mindful and respect the similar intent of others.
Yogananda stated – Retreats offer a dynamo of silence, where you may go for the exclusive purpose of being re-charged by the Infinite.