Chapel doors open! Let’s make way for the Divine.

The calendar below, lists Commemorative Services, Special events and other Services routinely held at our Chapel throughout the year. Some of these – as indicated – are temporarily suspended; and others will be updated, as and when we re-introduce them. No registration is required. All are welcome to attend in a receptive spirit of harmony and soul oneness.

Our weekly, long-meditation schedule, is as follows:
Tuesday* : 6.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Saturday*: 6.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. (*Four or five periods of meditation, from 20 to 45 minutes each, interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees, if unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants).
NOTE: Our standard Saturday service is temporarily on hold, and has been replaced byOpen Meditations;as below).

Surrey Meditation Circle: This private group holds weekly meditations every Thursday, from 7.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. in White Rock.
For more information or to be added to their mailing list, please e-mail

***NEW! Open Meditations***
Effective immediately, we host the following informal Services at our Chapel:
Monday to Friday: Weekday mornings – an ‘open meditation,’ – 6.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. This is an individual silent meditation, alongside other attendees. There are no scheduled prayers, chanting, or meditation periods. Each to his/her own practice in silence. If you arrive late, please call the number posted on the main door.
Thursday: Meditation and Scriptural Study in English – God Talks with Arjuna – from 5.00 p.m. to 6.40 p.m.
[5.00 p.m. – self-directed Energization Exercises; 5.15 to 6.00 – Chant and Meditation; 6.00 to 6.40 – ‘Gita’ reading]. This precedes our regular ‘Thursday – Inspirational and Prayer Service’ starting at 7.00 p.m.

An ‘open meditation’ every Saturday evening; 5.45 p.m. to 8.45 p.m.. Doors open: 5.30 p.m. We tune in with an online meditation from a past Convocation, as led by an SRF monastic. If unable to stay for the entire Service, you may leave at any time; preferably during a chant. Doors left open. 

Important Note:
Pertinent contact information in re to the ‘open meditations’ is available on the bulletin board at our Centre. For any further queries, please e-mail:

Current Month

March 2025

02mar10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: The Eternal Blessings of a True Guru. [NOTE: 1st Sunday, each month: Service is followed by our monthly social brunch (pot-luck :-)). All are welcome].10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-08:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

04mar6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-08:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

06mar7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-08:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

07mar7:30 pm8:30 pmMaha'samadhi of Paramahansa Yogananda (1952)The final conscious exit from the body. (As a mark of respect, please bring a flower as well as a donation, to be offered at the altar). Chapel doors open at 7.00 p.m.7:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-08:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

08mar8:00 am2:00 pmParamahansa Yogananda & Swami Sri Yukteswar - Commemorative 6-hour Meditation["Premavatar - Incarnation of Divine Love" and Jnanavatar - Incarnation of Divine Wisdom]. ***Special Maha'Samadhi Service. In person live-stream of SRF Mother Centre's 6-hour Commemorative Meditation led by an SRF Monastic. Service will have periods of devotional chanting on the hour, and an intermission from 11.00 - 11.30 a.m. Those unable to attend the first session, are requested to not arrive for only the second half. Please bring a fruit as a symbol of reverence and devotion to the Gurus. [Yogananda ji said: Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God, all the time]. ***Video available for viewing until Monday - March 11 @ 10.00 p.m. PST.8:00 am - 2:00 pm(GMT-08:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

09mar3:00 am3:00 amDaylight Saving Time - Begins!Clock moves forward by one hour (Saturday night/Sunday morning)3:00 am - 3:00 am(GMT-07:00)

09mar10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Choosing to Be Happy.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

09mar7:30 pm8:30 pmMaha'samadhi of Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri (1936)"The Lion has left his cage." "Gyanavatar - Incarnation of Wisdom." (As a mark of respect, please bring a flower as well as a donation, to be offered at the altar). Chapel doors open at 7.00 p.m.7:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

11mar6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

13mar7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

16mar10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title - Do We Live One or Many Lives?10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

18mar6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

20mar7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

23mar8:30 pm8:30 pmSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Getting Acquainted with God.8:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

25mar6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

27mar7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

30mar10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService title: Healing Through Understanding the Nature of Consciousness and Matter.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

April 2025

01apr6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

03apr7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

06apr10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: What Is Your Role in Life? [NOTE: 1st Sunday, each month: Service is followed by our monthly social brunch (pot-luck :-)). All are welcome].10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

08apr6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

10apr7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

13apr10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Peace: The Deeper Teachings of Jesus Christ.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

15apr6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

17apr7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

18apr12:00 pm1:00 pmGood Friday - Special ServiceMain Service: 12 noon to 1.00 p.m. Thereafter, Chapel will remain open for private meditation: 1.00 – 3.00 p.m.12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

20apr8:00 am9:00 amEaster Sunday - Sunrise ServiceThe Service will be followed by our traditional Easter Brunch (pot-luck) from 9.00 to 10.20 a.m.. Please bring a vegetarian dish, to share. 8:00 am - 9:00 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

20apr10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: The Resurrection of Christ within You.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

22apr6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

24apr7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

27apr10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Concentration: Key to Communion with God.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

29apr6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

May 2025

01may7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

04may10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Behind the Physical Cosmos: A World of Light and Energy. [Note: 1st Sunday, each month: Service is followed by our monthly social brunch (pot-luck :-)). All are welcome].10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

06may6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

08may7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

10may7:30 pm8:30 pmSwami Sri Yukteswar Giri (1855 - 1936) - Birthday CommemorationDisciple of Sri Lahiri Mahasaya (1828) and Guru to Sri Paramahansa Yogananda (1952). (As a mark of respect, please bring a flower as well as a donation, to be offered at the altar)7:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

11may10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: God's Nature in the Mother.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

13may6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

15may7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

18may10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: God-Mindedness - Key to Freedom.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

20may6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

22may7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

25may10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Understanding Life and Death.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

27may6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

29may7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

June 2025

01jun10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Success Through Attunement with God. [NOTE: 1st Sunday, each month: Service is followed by our monthly social brunch (pot-luck :-)). All are welcome].10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

03jun6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

05jun7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

08jun10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Creating World Unity Through Yoga Meditation.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

10jun6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

12jun7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

15jun10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: How Even-Mindedness Leads to God Awareness.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

17jun6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

19jun7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

22jun10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: God's Nature in the Father.10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

24jun6:00 pm9:00 pmTuesday - Long Meditation (3-Hour Service)Periods of meditation lasting 20 to 45 minutes each; and interspersed with devotional chanting. Devotees unable to stay, may leave quietly during the chants. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

26jun7:00 pm8:20 pmTHURSDAY - INSPIRATIONAL & PRAYER SERVICETwo 15-minute meditations, devotional chants, and an inspirational reading. The last 20 minutes follow the outline given in the Worldwide Prayer Circle booklet. All are welcome.7:00 pm - 8:20 pm(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

29jun10:30 am11:30 amSunday - Reading ServiceService Title: Is Peace possible in Today's World?10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-07:00) Vancouver Meditation Group (SRF), 173 West 6th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.